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Gandini Meccanica supplies chipping machines to those involved in the maintenance of green areas such as gardeners and nurserymen and maintenance companies for public parks. The market for gardeners is characterised by s...
Companies operating in the forestry sector are ideal partners for Gandini Meccanica, a company that has worked for more than eight years in the sector, designing and building disc or drum chipping machines featuring high...
Over the past few years, the purchase of chipping machines or chipping units by agritourism businesses has multiplied. These businesses aim to increase their revenue by producing quality chips, perfectly calibrated and h...
Gandini Meccanica, a leading company in the production of chipping machines, produces models able to meet the needs of commercial farms. The need for chipping machines by commercial farms has become even more important w...
Gandini chipping machines are in high demand by maintenance workers of public parks because the machines built by the company from Mantua guarantee the highest quality and reliability. To make our cities more liveable, ...